Follow these instructions to fix the audio issue in Band in a Box:
1. Open up Band in a Box
2. From the menu bar on top, select "Options" then MIDI/Audio Driver Setup
3.Then, from the setup page, uncheck "Use VSTi/DXi synth" and click open "Audio Settings" at the bottom right corner.
4. From the Audio Settings, look for "Audio Driver Type" (refer to picture below) and click on the drop down menu. Select "MME". Then click "Audio Drivers" below the drop down menu and make sure the Audio Output Driver is selected to Extron.
5. Click "OK" and save all of the settings.
6. Now try playing the chords. You should be able to hear the audio now.
If these steps do not work, please contact Band in a Box support directly: 1-250-475-2874
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