Account Creation/Requesting Hardware and Access to Systems
Where do I go to create a new account? How do I get access to PowerCampus? I have a new employee starting next week, how do I get them their computer?
These are a few of the questions IT gets asked regularly regarding New Employees or Student Workers on campus. IT has been working hard in connection with the Human Resources department to streamline a lot of these procedures.
New Hires
Procedure for a new hire getting access:
- When you hire a new employee (Full Time, Part Time, Temporary or Permanent) it must go through Human Resources, they will kick off any and all processes for account creation from IT. A ticket is submitted to the help desk from HR to create the account and as a reminder, no new employees will get access to university systems or email without a completed background check from HR.
- Adjunct/Faculty Instructors will gain access to their accounts 6 weeks prior to the start of the course they are teaching if they are new.
- Once the background check is completed, the account will be made and the hiring manager will be carbon copied on the ticket when it is closed.
- The information sent will be:
- New Employee Username
- New Employee Email Address
- Part of the message will also include links to two other forms.
- If the employee is Full Time, the manager will be requested to fill out the New Hardware form for the new employee (We do not provide laptops or hardware for Part Time employees).
- The second form is a request form for access to Enterprise Applications (i.e. Salesforce, PowerCampus, PowerFaids, etc.). If your new employee needs access to any of these, please fill this form out when it is sent to you and you can request access.
- It is up to the department or hiring manager to fill out these forms. No technology or access will be granted without them.
It can take up to two weeks for accounts to be created. Please allow yourself plenty of time to make sure HR and IT are in the loop on your new hires and needs for new accounts or access.
Existing Employees that need Enterprise Application Access
If you manage an employee that needs access to an Enterprise Application after they are hired (making changes to an existing employee) you can use this form to request the change. This form will allow you to identify the needs of an existing employee for access like PowerCampus, PowerFAIDS, etc.
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